I would like to thank Mindy & Justin and all of the Grand kids, also the Great Grand kids for your kind word and love that you gave to Grandma Beecher. As grandma would always say "we sure have a wonderful family" and Mindy your thoughts are thoughts that this family all share about grandma. I love each member of this special family. I would like to share a couple of thoughts I did not have time for in my talk at the funeral, because of time. In my Patriarchal Blessing it tells me, "for you have been blessed with good parentage and this you should consider as a special blessing to you. When you study your ancestral line you will note that you have come of good parentage and that the Lord has been mindful of you in giving you good parentage and you are here now in the world to work out the potentials which you had in your pre-mortal existence when you were chosen to come into the world under good parentage and to be born in a good land. I bless you that you shall honor your parents; your mother and also your father who has passed on and that you shall be a dutiful son and not give your mother or the members of your family anything to worry about". Well I am truly blessed to have a father and a mother that taught me well and expect me to carry on their example. I would like to tell you how grandma helped me on one occasion. I was standing in front of our house on 14th street. I was about 14 or 15 years old when a car stopped and asked if I knew where a girl lived. There were four guys in the car and I said that there was no one by that name that lived around here. I probably said it in some smart tone that they did not like. One of them reach in the glove box and pulled some thing out. Well I found out real quick that it was a knife. Two of them got out of the car and came running at me with the knife in hand. I knew I was in trouble. I turned and started to run my self. The home on 14th St. had a porch with four stairs. I jumped onto the porch and could feel that one of them was real close. On the porch I turned and saw him leaping to the porch, I kicked and knocked him off the porch and that's when I heard someone coming out the door screaming at these two guys to stop right now and leave. I was so glad that they did what they were told. I looked and it was my mother that came and saved me from I'm not sure what could of happened. Grandma did have some real spunk in her. I am really starting to miss my mom and want each of you to know that I love her with all my hart and will always honor her. Thanks again for each of you and your kind words and love of grandma.
What a great summer! I've meant to write but my computer crashed and I'm now back up. Life is so crazy when you don't have a computer--especially the internet! I feel like I'm finally able to communicate with the world again. Some of the summer highlights seemed to be....Grandkids....Grandkids.....Grandkids and, of course, other family members. We taught Haylee how to roller blade and others tried to skate. Many just enjoyed swinging and learning to hang from their knees. All the mom's and myself took the kids to the children's museum down at the Gateway for a fun-filled learning day on July 25th. It was fun but we learned one important lesson--never plan a big outing just after staying up late for fireworks the night before.
Then, on July 31st, we made the annual women's trek down to BYU for the Women's Football Clinic. We met Linsey and Katie there and had many hands-on lesson about the sport while all the men stayed home babysitting. (Chad and Shelley were out of town but we'll get her next year.) Of course, there's always one or two who think they can crash the party (Lynn and Ben). AND, Linsey won the prize for coming the farthest (
On August 3rd we attended Mindy's baptism. It was a wonderful day and there has not been a better attended baptism ever! This shows Justin and Mindy's kindness to so many others. It was great fun going to their house and visiting with everyone and witnessing the blessing of Celeste's twins--Shawn and Jaxson. As we visited, we realized how many twins were there so we took a picture. We were all wishing we'd thought about it earlier so
On August 23rd, Kent and I attended our 40th high school reunion. Now remember, we were so "advanced" that we started high school at about the same age as all of you were starting kindergarten!!! (Just in case you're thinking we must be REALLY old!) We met Kent and Pat at Tonya's house and saw little Jayden. He really looks great! He smiled and was a very happy little guy. Then, Rick picked up Brinley and she was not too happy about that but she managed to give us a little smile. They really are a cute little family! They are doing well and are preparing for another heart surgery soon. We'll have to stay in touch!