We hear about love stories just about everyday. We see them in the movies portrayed a bit shallow or hear about a high school crush that seem to last about three days. Every girls dreams about meeting their prince and living with them happily ever after. We get the goose bumps of love when we look at a wedding announcement and think of the sweet couple getting married. Even in those shallow hollywood flicks we hear the actors proclaim to the other "I love you". But at this moment somewhere across that thin veil there is a love story that is ahead of all others and that will last eternally. I have not yet been able to meet the prince, but I did have the most blessed experience of knowing the princess and I called her Gramma. I remember my Grandma telling me stories of my Grandpa. One day she approached me with a small picture. She was covering up everything on the picture except two eyes. She told me, "You have his eyes, you know." Or she would always remind me that I got my witty humor from my Grandpa. Though she was separated from her prince for 41 years it seems there was always some connection to him. With every scout advancement, priesthood advancement, birthday, or mission call all of her grandchildren knew Grandma would give them a hug and whisper the words "Your Grandpa would be so proud of you." Grandma made memories in her Riverdale home to last an eternity. I can still remember the smell of that house that would remind me that it was a holiday or I was about to have a good time with family. Don't walk in that front room because it's off limits and children don't play in there. She had the scariest food storage room that always seemed to be moaning in the dark. Sleepovers were the best with cousins when she would tell stories of her mission in England until we fell asleep. Well Gramma, you now have your prince back who I know is so proud of you. Enjoy every moment with him and know that we miss both of you. I am not sure how the phone system works on that side of the veil, but if you can take a moment and give us one ring so that we know you had a wonderful time and that you made it home safe.
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