I had to post the picture above of this past Memorial Day. (No that's not Brittany pushing Grandma to the ground ;). ) Some of you might remember how after taking a big family picture on the hill in the Brigham City park, we started to roll down the hill. After most of everyone had left the hill, Grandma decided to roll down the hill herself. Quite the feat for an 85 year old woman.
Every summer my family would always go to Riverdale to visit Grandma and the Burtons. One time when I was around 10 years old, Grandma wanted to take Jeremiah, Colton, Kurt and me to Bear Lake for the day. So we packed some lunches and piled into her Riviera car. We stopped off at Smith and Edwards Country Boy Store (you're singing the song aren't you?) so she could buy us some slingshots. Our moms probably wouldn't have approved of getting us slingshots but since she was our Grandma she would do anything for us. As we drove through the canyon to Bear Lake we would stop at rest stops along the way so we could get out and shoot rocks at the mountain. As we drove we jammed out to the new The Little Mermaid soundtrack and we all sung along. As we returned from that little trip, I remember thinking I had the coolest Grandma alive. Who can forget the cookie jar in her Riverdale house that was right by the door for easy access. It seems that all of us grandkids took advantage of that nice accessory...especially Brady. One of the coolest gifts that I ever got for Christmas was when she bought all of her grandsons a Sega Genesis to play at her house. I'm sure she had no idea what it was but she wanted us to have a good time when we went to her house.
The past few years Grandma certainly wasn't herself. But she truly cared about each of us. She always wanted to be in on the conversations and to ask us about our jobs and life...even though most of the time the questions were the same as the ones she asked the previous week. She wanted to contribute each week to Sunday dinner even though she couldn't cook anymore. So she brought "The Mix". It has helped me break my fast on Fast Sundays for the past several years. It was fun to test Grandma by taking "The Mix" away from the bar and into the family room. I liked to see how long it took her to realize it was gone and she would come hunting for it. For some reason, this was forbidden in her eyes. The bowl of "The Mix" had to stay on the bar and there was no picking, only handfuls. And heaven forbid if none of the redheads in the family weren't able to eat any of it.
We say goodbye to one of the great daughters of God this week. But only for a time. Grandma taught each of her children about the Plan of Salvation and they in turn taught each of us. We know where Grandma is and know "that the spirits of those who are righteous are received into a state of ahappiness, which is called bparadise, a state of rest, a state of cpeace, where they shall rest from all their troubles and from all care, and sorrow." As I read Alma 40 Friday night, I felt that peace that only the Spirit can give that told me she's finally home. That was just like the single ring she would make to my parents' house each Sunday night to say she arrived safely. I love you Grandma and hope to be a stalwart like you.
1 comment:
I forgot about that Bear Lake trip. Yeah, that was some good time. I remember standing in store and thinking, "Holy Cow! Grandma is really going to let us get wrist rockets!"
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