I want to introduce you all to my newest grandson, Noah Beecher Francom. He was born on December 7, 2008. We were anxiously awaiting his birth and were happy to see that he made it very convenient for us all by coming on a Sunday. His older brother and sister came to our house at about 9:00 am and he was delivered by 11:00! He was 9lbs 1 oz. and 22 inches long. He is the biggest we've had! As you can see, he's going to be well cared for! All is well and you all can see him at our next family reunion OR if you stop by on any given Sunday!
Last night, we braved the weather and went to Lillian's Christmas Dance Recital. It was all very cute and we enjoyed all the dances, especially Lillian's. She knew every step and was right in time with the music. We also brought her pink flowers--a very important part of any little dance recital, we are finding out. We give Scott credit because he has been her transportation to all her practices--he took her to class, he took her to the dress rehearsal, then he was there for the performance. Yes, he saw it all many more times than a dad should have to so he's going above and beyond since Melissa is at home with Noah--just ask him!
Like Lynn, I also want to thank you all for all your sharing of memories of Grandma. She would be so thrilled to think that you all cared enough to take the time to write about her. She always wanted to be important to us and she now knows that she was a major player in all of our family doings. In her later years, I think her mere presents led us all to do so many of the things we did do. I hope we all continue to find reasons to be together for her sake. In her later years, as I learned to serve her, I often thought of my father smiling down on me as I would go out of my way to do what she asked or spend extra time and go into her condo when dropping her off. Now, as we all continue to try to do what is right, I hope to see both my mother and father smiling down at us and know that we are all trying to become that eternal family that is so very important.
We are not just part of an eternal family--I think we are part of a very important eternal family. When our dad died at such an early time in our lives, I think that he and Heavenly Father knew we still needed special help to become the family we would have been if our father would have stayed. I really KNOW that we have been blessed, above and beyond what we have been capable of. As I look at all six families, I can see things that could have been so different without our Heavenly Father and our dad watching over us. How grateful I am to have been given special attention and amazing blessing as a member of our family. What a responsibility we all should feel to continue to feel the help that is there for us all if we seek it. Everyone, please know that you are so important and we need to make the time to be together as often as possible. If you are in Salt Lake City during the holidays and would like to go to Grandma's condo or be part of anything the six kids are doing--we're all only a phone call away!!! I love you all!!! Karen
Alex and Lillian with new brother
Noah. The new's of this new family
member is SO welcome. Scott and
Melissa say-ditto.
Congratulations on the new baby and what a cute sugar plum fairy! Love all of you!
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