Friday, July 13, 2007

Words from Grandma

Hi, everyone!!! Even though I have lots of kind things to say to you all for joining in last Saturday and helping to get this "blog" off to a good start, I'm letting Grandma have the first word. She has spent the day at my house and I asked her to write her feelings about the reunion. Here it is!!! Karen

One of the happiest days of my retiring life was the day the Vern Rubies Beecher Reunion was held on Saturday, 7-7-07, in the Taylorsville North-Central Stake Bowery that Karen organized and brought us together!!! I counted the members of our fantastic, huge family who were in attendance together showing our deep love for everyone there. The total number of mother, sons, daughters, grandchildren and great-grandchildren was 73 choice, adorable members of Vern Ruby and Yvonne Morris Beecher Family!!! Imagine the great love we all shared together as we enjoyed eating an excellent meal and cheered all as they played the fun sun and water games and finding candy and money in the big pile of wood shavings! This reunion we will all remember as we cherish it in our hearts forever!!! I can tell you that I know Grandpa Beecher was looking down on earth knowing what you all were doing and he was as happy as you were!!!

Thank you all for being part of my family. Thank you for coming to the reunion and for those of you who were too far away, please know that I missed you all. Please keep in touch and know that I pray for each one of you and know our Heavenly Father will always bless you if you live his commandments. I love you!!! Grandma

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