Hey Scott...the new look of the blog is nice. I like how you found the most awkward looking pictures of the Beecher clan and posted them at the top...
What about that kid on the far right....did he ever amount to anything? ;)
Friday, July 27, 2007
Josh on a Mission
Here's an update on Josh from Lori:
"Josh is in the Majuro, Marshall Islands Mission. He is currently serving on the island of Majuro which is the capital of the Marshalls. While the island is only 3.75 square miles large, it is the largest atoll in the Marshalls. An atoll is the rim of an underwater volcano. Only bits and pieces of the rim show above water with a few more being exposed at low tide. Josh and his comp will "island hop" on P-days. They walk island to island in knee deep water at low tide. Josh has found many interesting things during this time - eels, fish, sharks and a WWII warhead. The Elders hauled the 50 lb warhead home as a memento. Turns out that the warhead was still live and the National Police had to come pick it up. The work is going well and Josh keeps busy. He loves the people and the islands. His testimony is strong and getting stronger. We will keep you updated. Love to everyone, Lori"
Rich family
Beechers in Japan

My parents and katie came to visit us in Japan last month. Here are a few pictures of their trip. And for all of you dying to see Japan you are welcome at our place any time!! Darin, let us know if you are ever headed out this way again. We actually have a room and bed for you this time. Love you all!
Linsey Rich
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Amy Caldwell has sent you a PhotoShow
paste and copy to your browser. Thanks Ben and Natallia, Joseph, Nephi and Moroni for giving us your Wife and Mommy and Sister. We sure loved having them and we love you all...
Jason, Amy and Kids
Click here for the PhotoShowSunday, July 22, 2007
More Reunion Pictures!
July's Official Entry from Karen!
OK....according to the plan I must report in July. However, I appreciate all of you and what you have added to keep us all informed as you have gone into "Vern's Rubies." You didn't wait for an assignment.......THANKS!
Thanks to everyone for the effort you made in coming to the reunion. The bottom line is that we are a family and we really need to spend some time together so we will always want to care about each other...like for an eternity! I know we brought a big smile to my father's face. Someday, I'm sure he'll tell us how happy it made him to see us all together enjoying food, a hot day, water games, and visiting. I appreciate knowing that I can catch up on all your lives at least once a year and see how your families are growing. I especially want to thank my own kids for organizing the games and setting them up. I hope you all took time to look at the DVD that Chad made from old movies taken by Jan. Scott also made this blog possible. I will probably have lots of questions for him as I get used to it so please, everyone, ask questions so you can get going, too. Maybe I can even answer some of them as my computer knowledge increases! My family is the greatest and is always there when I need them. I appreciate Rick taking all the actions shots--I meant to but got a little busy having fun with our kids! We thought we'd share some of the fun with you all! Please know my love for you all and I have high hopes for the future of our family and for "Vern's Rubies"! Love, Karen
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Amy Caldwell has sent you a PhotoShow
See below to find the link. Then copy and paste it to your browser. If you don't get the photo show to open, let me know...
Click Here for the PhotoShow
Sunbeams Running Around (Funny Story)
I think people wonder what we talk about when they aren't from around here...
Friday, July 13, 2007
Words from Grandma
Hi, everyone!!! Even though I have lots of kind things to say to you all for joining in last Saturday and helping to get this "blog" off to a good start, I'm letting Grandma have the first word. She has spent the day at my house and I asked her to write her feelings about the reunion. Here it is!!! Karen
One of the happiest days of my retiring life was the day the Vern Rubies Beecher Reunion was held on Saturday, 7-7-07, in the Taylorsville North-Central Stake Bowery that Karen organized and brought us together!!! I counted the members of our fantastic, huge family who were in attendance together showing our deep love for everyone there. The total number of mother, sons, daughters, grandchildren and great-grandchildren was 73 choice, adorable members of Vern Ruby and Yvonne Morris Beecher Family!!! Imagine the great love we all shared together as we enjoyed eating an excellent meal and cheered all as they played the fun sun and water games and finding candy and money in the big pile of wood shavings! This reunion we will all remember as we cherish it in our hearts forever!!! I can tell you that I know Grandpa Beecher was looking down on earth knowing what you all were doing and he was as happy as you were!!!
Thank you all for being part of my family. Thank you for coming to the reunion and for those of you who were too far away, please know that I missed you all. Please keep in touch and know that I pray for each one of you and know our Heavenly Father will always bless you if you live his commandments. I love you!!! Grandma
One of the happiest days of my retiring life was the day the Vern Rubies Beecher Reunion was held on Saturday, 7-7-07, in the Taylorsville North-Central Stake Bowery that Karen organized and brought us together!!! I counted the members of our fantastic, huge family who were in attendance together showing our deep love for everyone there. The total number of mother, sons, daughters, grandchildren and great-grandchildren was 73 choice, adorable members of Vern Ruby and Yvonne Morris Beecher Family!!! Imagine the great love we all shared together as we enjoyed eating an excellent meal and cheered all as they played the fun sun and water games and finding candy and money in the big pile of wood shavings! This reunion we will all remember as we cherish it in our hearts forever!!! I can tell you that I know Grandpa Beecher was looking down on earth knowing what you all were doing and he was as happy as you were!!!
Thank you all for being part of my family. Thank you for coming to the reunion and for those of you who were too far away, please know that I missed you all. Please keep in touch and know that I pray for each one of you and know our Heavenly Father will always bless you if you live his commandments. I love you!!! Grandma
Saturday, July 7, 2007
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