Sunday, April 27, 2008
News Flash!
For those of you who don't know, Celeste and Kris are now in the hospital in Denver awaiting the arrival of their twins Jackson and Sean. She is 32 weeks and will remain in the hospital on bedrest until the babies come. Things are looking well for them but it is still a touchy situation. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers over upcoming days. In addition, Justin and I would like to thank all of you who made it to Mom and Dad Hill's 60th Birthday Celebration. It was a great time! I will upload a few photos soon!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Birthday Brunch!
Hello all! I will be sending out invites today but wanted to let everyone know about a Birthday Brunch that we'll be having to celebrate Weldon & Gean's 60th Birthdays. It will be next Saturday, April 26th from 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m at their home in Layton. Their address is: 1784 East 1150 North Layton, UT. Please RSVP to Justin or Mindy at (801) 592-6193 or (801) 362-9011. Hope to see you all there!
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Annual Easter Hunt
Itseems to be a tradition to hunt for candy after dinner on Easter Sunday. Between Lori and myself, we seems to have plenty of goodies for all my grandkids and her girls. Sometimes, the older girls hide the candy but since they're seniors this year we wanted them to join in the fun, too. It was a bit cold and a little wet and the yard was still in its winter state but we had a great time! This is what family is all about, right?
Francom Princesses
As I was downloading picture from my camera to share Nickie's pictures, I realized that I had a lot of cute pictures. Last Sunday, we went to Lyle's place to celebrate his 46th birthday. Yes, even Lyle is finally getting "older!" However, he stopped the night with the thought that he was now the same age our dad was when he passed away. I think we all suddenly realized how young our father really was when he died. Of course, it didn't seem like he was that young at the time because we were just children and parents were supposed to be "old."
Brooke and Brittany had been to the prom on Saturday night so they took all the little girls upstairs to try on their prom dresses. Brooke and Brittany were so sweet because they knew that all the girls dreamed of being princesses and this was almost like that dream-come-true! Just look at the girls and their BIG smiles. Thanks, Brooke, Brittany, and Maddie for making this a fun time for the girls.
Peter Bruhn Isom Joins the Family!
Rick and I went out to Tooele on Saturday between General Conference sessions to see Nickie and her family. Her new baby boy is so small and sweet. Of course, he slept the whole time we were visiting. He looks like a good mixture of Savannah and Loral. He gets his middle name from a line on Chris' side that never had any boys to carry the last name of Bruhn so he's making some people happy! The girls were gone with Chris when we got there but when they arrived home they had plenty of loves and kisses for little Peter. Today is Loral's third birthday so they had gone and bought a birdfeeder with a bag of seeds to feed the birds--she loves birds! It's fun thinking of her watching the birds on her new feeder. It was fun to see how the girls had grown and we enjoyed being among the first in the family to see our new addition.
Friday, April 4, 2008
Chase finally has boy cousins!!!

I don't have pictures, but Nickie also had her little boy on Marcy 28, 2008. Or as Loral told everyone in my ward at church on Sunday, "Our baby, he came out!!" Congratulations!
I'm glad to see that within two months the odds are becoming more favorable that my son will not be dressed like a princess during family get togethers, now that he has two boy cousins to ward the girls off with swords, bugs, and other "yucky" things.
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