Monday, January 7, 2008

Elder Joshua Beecher coming home

Hi to all Vern Rubies family,

We have just recieved Joshua's return date and the Sunday he will be speaking in Sacrament Meeting. Feb. 20th he will be flying for two days, but all of the flying will be done on the 20th. He has been serving in the Marshallees Majuro Mission and has had, "The Other Side of Heaven" experience. The date he will be speaking is Feb. 24th at 1:00 pm. We would like to invite all to come an enjoy the day with us in Cedar City.

Mother, Grandma or Great Grandma, Happy Birthday and sounds like your birthday dinner was a lot of fun.

Everyone please keep June 14th open for Brigham City and the Beecher farm. I will be giving more details alittle later. One thing we will be doing is a picnic just above the Indian trail on second flatbottom. The view is incredible.

Thanks Lynn

1 comment:

Karen said...

We're so excited!!! Yes, we'll do our best to get our lives in order so we can be there on Sunday, February 24th. Where has this two years gone? I know....the family always knows it's been TWO LONG YEARS! Keep us posted and we'll plan on a little weekend vacation in February! Karen