Monday, May 26, 2008

If it's Memorial Day you must be in Brigham City!

Actually, we went to Brigham City on the Saturday before Memorial Day because Jan & girls were in town. That was the best decision we ever made because today (Monday, May 26th) is rainy and cold. We all met at Grandpa's grave and also visited both sets of grandparents' graves, too. We then went to John Adams Park for KFC and other good food. The kids played on the playground and then went and threw rocks in the creek. Then, we followed the upper part of the creek and were right across the street from the old John Bott Monument Company. (This was Grandma Atwood's grandfather's business when he was a polygamist with 3 wives.) It was so interesting to look into all the windows--it seems to still be used for cemetery markers and they had a sign about tour times. Then the kids all had a race down the hill and went back up to roll down it several times. I'm told that Grandma even rolled down the hill but no one caught it with a camera! Zac (Angie's son) had a birthday on Friday so we also celebrated it. What a fun day enjoying each other's company and knowing we were honoring our Grandpa by spending time together in his memory. I'm sure he was smiling down on us all. Hey, all of you other descendants--come and join us next year!!!

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Sunday, May 18, 2008

To all Vern Rubies

The Vern Ruby Family Reunion on the 14th of June is soon appoaching. More info. will be coming on the blog so keep checking the site. This is going to be alittle different so here goes. I need all the men, sons and grandson that can work to come as early as possible. (8:00 am) We are going to work on repairing fencing. All the wives and children will meet at 2:00 pm at the park at the end of Beecher Ave. for games. At 4:00 pm we will meet at the Beecher farm and drive up to second flat bottom just above the Indain trail for food. The view is incredible. I need your help. The property was moved out of Green Belt for taxes. That means we pay $1400.00 a year instead of $37.00 a year. I have someone that wants to put horses on the property that will put us back into the Green Belt. So I really do need your help. Please RSVP at this email address. Thanks, Lynn

Thursday, May 8, 2008

More Celeste and Twins Info

Celeste and Kris's twins Jaxson and Shaun arrived via c-section early yesterday afternoon. All are doing well! Jaxson weighed in at 5 pound exactly and is 16-17 inches long and Shaun was 3 lbs. 13 oz and also 16-17 inches long. They are at the University of Colorado 12605 East 16th Ave. Aurora CO. Room #414 (720) 848-0000. I just spoke to Celeste this morning and both babies are in the NICU but breathing on their own and doing so good! They are monitoring Jaxson and watching a valve in his heart that is not working properly but expect all to be well. I know they would love and appreciate hearing from all of you!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Celest had her twins!

I don't know all the details, I just know Celeste had here boys today. They are all doing great. The boys are small but doing great! More info. to follow.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Celeste and Kris Email Update

Here is an email we received from Celeste and Kris yesterday, so that all of you can stay informed:

Hey guys, just wanted to give you all a quick update. We were in the hospital in Denver for the last week and a half; but for the last few days the boys fluid levels were looking consistently stable, so they decided not to take them yet and not to remove any fluid from their sacks because the chances are high that it would push me into labor, and since they're looking stable right now they don't want to risk anything. My doctor said that if we wanted to check out of the hospital, stay in Denver and come in a few times a week we could; or we could go home, go down there once a week and be seen in Cheyenne a couple of times a week. So we're back home right now. The doctor's said they don't feel comfortable leaving them in me for more than 36 weeks; so as long as I can not go into labor in the next two weeks, they should make it till then; which is a LOT longer than we could've ever hoped for, so that means less time in the N.I.C.U.! YAY! So that's everything going on now; and we'll be letting everyone know when they get here. -(whenever that is.) Well if you all get a minute don't be shy, write back and let us know what's up with you! Love you all! Love Celeste, Kris, Jaxson and Shaun